Thursday, June 14, 2007

Just a quick update about my work on the WC class. Probably the best way to summarize is to post the patch I just sent to the mailing list:

This patch adds a class representing the WC to the new python bindings. At present, it's a somewhat rough patch, but it does include some basic functionality.

Here's a rundown of the wc class, as it stands:

WC(path):Creates a new WC object for the working copy located at PATH. PATH defaults to the present working directory. Returns a string with the same contents as 'svn diff' on the command line. Not critical, but useful.

WC.has_conflict(): If the WC has a conflict, return en entry for the conflicted file. Otherwise return False.

WC.delete(path): Schedules PATH for deletion in the next update.

WC.add(path): Schedules PATH for addition.

WC.copy(src,dest): Copies SRC to DEST, DEST will be scheduled for addition in the next revision.

WC.move(src,dest): Moves SRC to DEST. SRC will be deleted and scheduled for deletion, DEST will be scheduled for addition.

WC.revert(path, recurse, commit_time): Revert PATH. If RECURSE is true, directories will be recursed. If COMMIT_TIME is true, the last changed time will be changed to the commit time. RECURSE and COMMIT_TIME are True by default.

WC.revert_all(show_hidden): Revert everything in the wc. If SHOW_HIDDEN is true, hidden files will be reverted too. SHOW_HIDDEN is False by default.

WC.resolve(path): Resolve a conflict on PATH. Not thuroughly tested as of yet.

WC.text_modified(path): Returns True if the text of PATH has been modified.

WC.prop_modified(path): Returns True if the props of PATH have been modified.

WC.wc_entry(path, show_hidden): Returns an entry for PATH. If show_hidden is True (which it is by default), can generate an entry for a hidden file.

WC.is_scheduled_add(path): Returns True if PATH is scheduled for addition.

WC.is_scheduled_delete(path): Returns True if PATH is scheduled for deletion.

WC.diff_path(modified): Returns a string containing a diff of MODIFIED and it's original version. At present, only works for files that are in the repository (not files marked for addition).

svn_kind_to_string(kind): Convert an entry kind to a human-readable string.

svn_schedule_to_string(schedule): Convert an entry schedule to a human-readable srting.

A little more information about these functions can be found inline in

I've also included, a simple example/test of the wc functionality. It's designed to be run in place, change a few things, and then revert the changes that it made.

Add a working copy class to the ctypes python bindings.,, WC.text_modified(), WC.prop_modified(), WC.has_conflict(), WC.copy(), WC.move(), WC.delete(), WC.add(), WC.resolve(), WC.revert(), WC.revert_all(), WC.wc_entry(), WC.is_scheduled_add(), WC.is_scheduled_delete(), WC.diff_path(), svn_kind_to_string(), svn_schedule_to_string()): WC class and methods to handle simple operations.

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